Finding Primary Care In A New Town

Health Concerns You Should Discuss With Your General Practitioner

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Visiting your general practitioner (GP) is an essential part of maintaining good health and addressing any concerns you may have. While routine check-ups are valuable, it’s equally important to proactively discuss specific health concerns with your GP. This article highlights some common health issues that you should bring up with your GP during your next visit. Unexplained Weight Changes If you have experienced significant and unexplained weight gain or loss, it’s crucial to discuss this with your GP. Read More»

Four Ways Your GP Can Help With Blood Sugar Issues

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Your GP is the best person to talk to about your blood sugar issues. They can help you make sense of the numbers, advise you on lifestyle changes and ensure your medication is working properly. Here are four ways your doctor can help: 1. Your GP Can Assess Your Risk Factors For Diabetes Your doctor will want to get a full picture of your health, including any other conditions you have or have had in the past. Read More»

5 Things That May Surprise You During Pregnancy

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Pregnancy can be one of the most rewarding periods in life. Growing another human being inside your body fills many women with joy and inspiration, and knowing you’ll have a beloved child when it’s all over makes it even better. Of course, pregnancy isn’t without its difficulties. It’s also a time when your body is going through some pretty significant changes — physically, emotionally, and mentally. Every pregnancy is different and every woman will experience things differently, but there are many surprising changes that are common to most pregnancies. Read More»

Understanding Primary Care Doctors

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Primary care doctors are the most common type of doctor that you will see in a typical office. Primary care doctors are physicians with advanced training who provide preventive health care for individuals, focusing on early detection and treatment of illnesses. The patient’s life history or background is particularly important for primary care doctors, as it can help to diagnose medical conditions that have been missed in other forms of healthcare. Read More»

4 Signs You Might Have Restless Legs Syndrome

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If you’re having unusual feelings in your legs, then you might wonder if you have restless legs syndrome (RLS). While leg pain can have various causes, RLS can be the cause of many problems. What are the common symptoms of RLS? 1. Uncontrollable Leg Movements People suffering from RLS often notice that their legs suddenly start to move uncontrollably. Your legs might twitch, tingle, cramp or ache. Typically, these movements happen in both legs at the same time, but some people only have problems with one leg. Read More»